Saturday, April 16, 2011

d is for dog

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Jonathan loves dogs. We don't have any dogs at this point, but several family members do and Jonathan just loves them. So, it was only fitting to spend time talking about dogs!

Sign Language 

We reviewed the sign for dog.


Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion

This was another longer story for Jonathan, but he did quite well with it. It's the first in a classic series about the adventures of a dog who loves to be messy and hates bath time. Harry gets so dirty that his family no longer recognizes him-- unless he jumps in the tub! There's a reason this is a classic story-- at 27 months, it was simple enough that Jonathan followed the story and seemed to enjoy it as well! I think this is a book we will be coming back to.

Angus Lost by Marjorie Flack

This is the first book in another classic series from the 1930s about a little Scottie dog named Angus. Angus wonders what it would be like to experience the big world. He gets his opportunity when the gate is left open. The curious dog has some adventures before he finds his way home. The story is beautifully illustrated
and isn't terribly scary for a toddler. Jonathan really focused in on this story- the text was short enough that he sat through the story easily and he was genuinely concerned that the little dog came home. I think we will be checking out the other two books in this delightful series!

Go Dog Go! by Philip Eastman

This book was the favorite out of all the dog books we read. I think it has to do with the fact that dogs were driving. Jonathan's favorite part is where the dogs reach a stop light, as he just started telling us "red means stop! green means go!". We have both the full length version as well as the board book version and while both held his attention, he still gravitated to the board book more. Still, it's a classic story that I remember enjoying and he seems to really be drawn to Eastman's dogs as well.
Dog by Matthew Van Fleet

We checked this book out of the library after seeing how highly it was ranked on Amazon. It features moveable parts as well as different tactile experiences from petting puppy dogs to feeling a "sticky" tongue. The story attempts to introduce different dogs, show some opposites (big dog, little dog) and show what dogs do (including going to the bathroom). It's a fun experience for toddlers, but there isn't much text to it. While Jonathan enjoyed the pull tabs, Grace probably enjoyed the different textures more. It's a fun book to look at for sure, but not one we'll be purchasing.

Where's Spot? by Eric Hill

This is the first book in another series that is popular with toddlers. In this book, a mommy dog searches throughout the house for her puppy Spot. Toddlers can lift flaps to help the mommy dog search for Spot and uncover several other animals in the process. Jonathan has enjoyed this book from when he was about twelve months old, so I pulled it out again for the day. He still enjoys this book- but it isn't as popular as when he was one.


We did a glueing craft that I found over at First School. I didn't manage to get a picture of the craft in progress, but here's the end result:

Jonathan's getting much more adept at using a glue stick and he even knew where the feet/head should go.


We played "Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" I would hide a beanie baby dog in the room and we'd sing "Oh Where Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?" Then Jonathan would go hunt for the dog. This was our first attempt at any kind of hiding game and he got the general idea of it. I'd hide the dog somewhere fairly obvious and then he'd find the dog. He was so proud of himself when he'd find the dog!

Library Links 

Angus Lost
Go Dog Go!
Harry the Dirty Dog
Where's Spot?

Web Resources

Angus Lost resources @ Homeschool Share
Harry the Dirty Dog lapbook @ Homeschool Share
D is for dog @ Walking by the Way
Dog Lesson Plan @ First School
CUTE dog craft @ Our Family for His Glory
D is for dog @ Muck Monsters
Spot Lapbook @ Kidzclub

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