Sunday, April 10, 2011

Bitty Baby School (7 Months)

We were hit with the croup as well as ear infections all around this week. So no Tot School this week. But here's what Grace has been up to this past month:

Books & Language 

Grace joins in our story time each morning, and I've also tried to set up some time to read one on one with her. I chose board books that tied in to our topics for each week. Grace also likes to pat and explore books, so I've pulled out some of Jonathan's old "touch and feel" books. Some favorites this month:

Little Car (can't find a link to this one)
Have You Seen My Cat?
Moo Moo Brown Cow
Moo Baa La La La
Does a Cow say Boo?
The Carrot Seed
The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Motor Skills 

This month, Grace mastered rolling and is sitting on her own for about 5 minutes! I still put the boppy pillow around her quite a bit, but she's getting very strong!

She loves the freedom of being able to explore toys. She reaches and grabs for the toys that she wants. Jonathan is having to get used to sharing!

And she still loves being in her bouncer:

Creative Play 

Grace still loves exploring different textures. Now that she's sitting, she really enjoys her sensory scarves:

She also has started to play with blocks and cups, mostly banging them together and exploring what they do.

And she joins in our song time now- Jonathan insists on giving her the pink rattle and baby bells when we sing in the mornings. She likes participating in anything her big brother is doing!

We've also enjoyed a few walks this week as well:

Again, nothing very intense- but we have fun!

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