Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tot School: Summer Edition (30 Months)

Tot School
Jonathan is 30 Months

It's hard to believe that Jonathan is 2 1/2 now! I haven't been posting much since we've just been enjoying our summer and taking things at a slower pace this month. I'm not going to post pictures this time because (a) I haven't found my camera after a week at nana's and (b) I've had a few random people download pictures of my kids and I'm not sure I want to be posting their pictures. Does anyone else have this problem?

Anyways, here's what we've been up to this week:


We talked about Cain & Abel this week. I wasn't sure how to handle the subject of murder with a 2 year old, so I just said that Cain hurt his little brother because he was angry. Here's what the lesson's objectives were:

Concept: God made it possible for everyone to be His friend. 
Goal: Children will learn that Abel chose to be friends with God and Cain did not. They will learn that they, like Abel, can be God's friends if they ask Jesus to forgive their sin.  (lesson from Xenos Christian Fellowship)

I'll cover what we did in depth in a future post. Jonathan seemed to like the activities well enough, but he didn't engage with the lesson as much as Adam and Eve. We did tie it in with how he should treat his little sister though.

Books & ABCs

We read books about goats and geese, to tie in with our focus on the letter g. Look for upcoming posts about these. Some favorites were Blue Goose by Nancy Tafuri and Let's Count Goats! by Mem Fox

We got a lot of old favorites from PaperBack swap recently, so we re-read a lot of those. Jonathan's favorite book right now is The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper. He requests that one over and over again!

Gross Motor Skills 

Jonathan has loved golfing in our yard- it's his favorite thing to do outside! He got a chance to practice his skills when our church had Family Night at its annual Sports Life Camp. He played mini golf, soccer, and jumped in a bounce house with a couple of his friends.

We also did some swimming in our friends' toddler pool. Jonathan loved sliding down the little slide. Even Grace had some fun splashing!

We also took a nice long walk to our local farmer's market. Jonathan did great! He was so excited to buy blueberries.

(on Grace's end, she's crawling all over the house now and trying to pull up-- she's getting to be such a big girl!)


We did some coloring (goats, geese) and we painted this week and played around with mixing paint colors. We also did some pre-writing exercises- which Jonathan did great at! He traced some lines and some circles using printables by Carisa over at 1+1+1=1.


We played Cootie this week which Jonathan liked. He has fun building the cootie bugs. We only played this while Grace was napping, since it had small parts.

So that's what we've been up to this week! Thanks for stopping by!


Lisa @ Our Country Road said...

Sounds like a fun week! We love The Little Engine That Could!

April said...

I don't think I've played any golf with my kids yet, I will have to try it.

jess_hak said...

I've noticed that I've had a couple site viewings come from a google images search...which I found weird, but I guess I don't know how I can tell if people have been downloading pictures... is that in the stats too?
I am so 'new' to all this blogging. I was just telling someone the other day that I really need to take a blogger course. I've contemplated getting a blogger for dummies book. lol

Thanks for stopping over and leaving a comment. We have a separate room for schooling so I am able to let the trays set out and I will just close the door when we are done for the day so that they don't continually get into it. When we didn't have our own school room I would set the trays out for a time (2 or 3) hours and then I would pick them up, usually at naptime. I only did this because I had no desire to be picking up tot trays all over the house all day long. lol :)

Theprincessandthetot said...

I forgot about Cootie! I need to get that game for Super Tot!

Stefanie said...

Sounds like a great week!!

popping in from tot school...

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