Saturday, July 30, 2011

Tot School- All About Feelings

Tot School
Jonathan is 30 Months

We've taken a lighter approach to doing activities the last few weeks. We've been enjoying our summer, spending time with friends and family, and just exploring our town. I've been rethinking what types of activities I want to do with Jonathan (and begin doing with Grace), as Jonathan has now mastered his upper and lowercase letters. I'm not sure at 2 1/2 he's ready to do anything extremely focused just yet. Any advice?  Right now I'm leaning towards focusing on different themes and reviewing a letter to go along with them. 

So this week we started looking at feelings. Jonathan really only recognizes "happy" and "sad" and I thought exploring different feelings could be helpful. 

We also covered Abraham this week in our Bible time so we tied in "feelings" with the fact that Sarah laughed. (We are using curriculum from Hubbard's Cupboard for our Bible time, supplemented with resources I own.) 

Stories, Nursery Rhymes & Read Alouds 

Our Bookshelf For This Week

We read various books about feelings. Amy calls it "bibliotherapy". These books were great tool to help us discuss emotions that we came across during our week. You can read our reviews in a previous post here.

Feelings by Aliki
The Way I Feel by Janan Cain
On Monday When It Rained by Cherryl Kachenmeister
One I forgot to include was Mr. Happy by Roger Hargreaves. This is from a popular series I remember from kindergarten. In this simple story Mr. Happy meets Mr. Miserable and tries to make him be happy. Jonathan really liked this story as well as pointing out the different characters. 

Language Arts 

We've started using a series of phonics workbooks called Get Ready for the Code. (GRFC) We did a couple worksheets from it this week, using do-a-dot markers. 

We worked on some beginning sound puzzles with a feelings theme from 2Teaching Mommies:

We did some pre-writing exercises such as tracing lines on faces (also from 2Teaching Mommies) and also from  GRFC. 

We also did some look-see-spell words using scrabble tiles:

We got through the first two and then Jonathan was distracted. :)

We also used our sandpaper letters to trace the letter "F" and "f".  And I've started writing Jonathan a "Morning Message" each morning as part of our calendar time. He has fun trying to find his name in each message. We circle his name each time it appears, although you can't see it from this picture: 

Midweek, we started putting up a "I feel" face each morning using printables from 1+1+1=1. Jonathan's favorite is "I feel Goofy!" 


We counted stars and talked about God's promise to Abraham (printable from Hubbard's Cupboard):

And we colored and counted feelings (from 2Teaching Mommies). Jonathan did a great job with this one:


We practiced glueing and sorting different emotions (happy, sad, angry, scared). Jonathan really only made it through one page before he got bored. I intended to revisit this with him, but we ended up not getting back to it:

We also tried some scissor skills: snipping straws. This did not go too well and only ended up frustrating him:


We attempted Twister this week:

So that's what we've been up to this week! For more Tot School ideas, visit 1+1+1=1

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Books about Feelings

This week we've been talking about feelings. I've noticed that Jonathan really only identifies two emotions right now: happy and sad. So, we've been reading books about different emotions and doing some activities along with our books. I'll share the activities in another post, but here are some books we've been reading together:

Feelings by Aliki

This book took a couple readings to get used to. It's, in essence, a catalog of feelings. The illustrations are almost like short comic strips showing different feelings that children may experience. There's a little boy who feels angry after a classmate knocks down a block tower. There's also a girl who tries to get attention by doing everything her little brother does. The vignettes don't form a cohesive story, so it makes it difficult to read aloud. What made the book work best for us was watching the Reading Rainbow episode which featured this book. By treating each "strip" as its own story, we were able to discuss each emotion and the circumstances which brought it about.

The Way I Feel by Janan Cain

This is a book I picked up from a recommendation by Hubbard's Cupboard. It's a book that tries to help children recognize the feelings they come across. Each double-page layout presents a short rhyme about a feeling along with a brightly colored illustration showing a child experiencing that particular emotion. The nice thing about this book is that it includes some more unusual emotions such as thankfulness and boredom. Jonathan seemed to enjoy the bright illustrations and the short text held his attention well.

On Monday When it Rained by Cherryl Kachenmeister

This was a very interesting way to teach emotions. In this book, a young boy describes the different emotions he felt each day of the week. Photographs accompany each page. On Monday the little boy was disappointed because it rained. On Saturday he was excited to go the park. I liked that the book featured actual photographs so Jonathan could see what someone looked like as they felt the emotion. It also reinforced the days of the week, which we've also been learning recently. It's a great concept book. The only limitation is that the book is limited to seven feelings. It's well worth checking out.  

I'm linking this post up to:

Read-Aloud Thursday  over at Hope is the Word and Feed Me Books Friday over at Little Sprout Books. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kids in the Word: Noah & the Ark

We recently spent a week talking about Noah's Ark. We used resources from Hubbard's Cupboard as well as ABCJesusLovesMe.


We read portions of the story each morning from Jonathan's Bible. This Bible had four different readings, so we basically covered one per day. It holds Jonathan's attention well. We read it each morning over breakfast and he can usually recall the story in the evening when daddy comes home.

Noah and the Ark (Beginner's Bible)

This was another book from the easy reading series that Jonathan just loves. This book is no exception-- Jonathan knows it so well, he can complete each sentence. He likes pointing out the different animals and pretending to rock and bump up and down on the ark.

Two by Two by Barbara Reid

I was delighted to find this one at a library book sale.It's absolutely a delightful book! Reid retells the story basing her words on a traditional song (which was unfamiliar to me). She adds a new rhyme for each number from one through ten. What really makes the book, however, is her three-dimensional illustrations. The pictures (out of clay, perhaps?) are incredibly detailed and even full of humor. You can look and look at the pictures and find animals and scenes that you hadn't seen before. Jonathan liked looking at the pictures and naming the animals. I am so happy to be adding this to our collection!


We played Matching Zoo a lot on my iPhone. It's such a fun (& free) toddler friendly app! It's basically like playing Memory, but the animals make sounds. Jonathan has fun with this game!


We made a rainbow by tearing up different colored tissue paper and sticking it onto contact paper. When we were finished with the rainbow, we put another piece of contact paper on the back. We then hung our rainbow in our playroom window:

Jonathan really likes the story of Noah and enjoyed this lesson very much. I think the lesson will stick with him! It at least has so far. :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Reading Our Library- Mitsumasa Anno

Mitsumasa Anno is a Japanese author/illustrator who has written numerous books for children. A former math teacher, many of his books focus on mathematical impossibilities and puzzles. His books are all wordless, leaving the parent and child to explore the detailed illustrations. Here are some we've explored:

Anno's Alphabet

This book is full of paradoxes. Anno's artwork features three-dimensional letters of the alphabet. Each letter looks as though it was fashioned out of wood, but is really an optical illusion. Each letter is matched with a picture that is equally paradoxical. A intricate border frames each page and is filled with more alphabetical items: flowers, animals and other items for keen observers to delight in. A list at the back of the book will help in identifying all these items. It is a clever twist on the alphabet! Jonathan enjoyed naming the letters, but he didn't grasp the impossible puzzles on each page.

Anno's Counting Book

This is a clever book that explores mathematical relationships as they occur in life. The pictures show a landscape changing through different times of day as well as the different months and seasons of the year. On each page, a different number is featured. It begins with a snowy blank landscape with a river running through it (the number 0) the next page focused on the number one (1), with various items on the page- a house, a snowman, a child, a tree, etc. The book progresses from 1 to 12 and focuses on sets of items (12 buildings, 12 trees, 12 children, etc.) Jonathan is really in to counting, and he just had so much fun with this book! Granted, he got distracted after we got to the number eight or so, but that was pretty good for a two and a half year old! Anno has several other mathematical books: Anno's Counting House, Anno's Math Games, and Anno's Mysterious Multiplying Jar.

Anno's Journey

In this book, Anno reflects on his journeys through Europe. The pictures are in the style of Japanese scroll painting and the scenes unfold from page to page. In each detailed scene, you'll find different characters- children at play, adults at work, as well as famous European artists, composers as well as characters from fairy tales and television shows. The art and architecture of Europe are depicted beautifully as the traveler moves through farms, villages, towns and cities. As in all of Anno's books, you'll find visual jokes and puzzles as well as some visual impossibilities. It's a wonderful book that provides many opportunities to point and label things to your children. While Jonathan didn't fully appreciate this book, he had fun trying to find the traveler on each page. This book will be one that your children can enjoy for many years-- even my husband enjoyed exploring the illustrations. If you find you or your children enjoy this book, try some of Anno's other journeys-- such as to Italy, Britain, Spain, or the USA!

For great activities to go along with Anno's books, see Carol Hurst's website. These are definitely going on our Paperback swap wishlist!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

g is for goose

Image Source:

Blue Goose by Nancy Tafuri

This was Jonathan's favorite book that we read. It's about four animals who live at Farmer Gray's gray-colored barnyard. One day when Faremr Gray goes away, Blue Goose, Red Hen, Yellow Chick and White Duck decide to paint the barnyard. They each paint the barnyard their respective colors, mixing their paints along the way to make fun new colors. While there are many books about colors on the market, this is a fun twist on the topic. Jonathan enjoyed this book so much we pulled our paints to do our own painting!

Silly Suzy Goose by Petr Horacek

This is a story about a goose who is just like all the other geese. But Suzy Goose wishes that there was something special about her- something that other animals can do. She wants to be able to stretch like a giraffe, slide like a penguin, or swim under water like a seal. But in the end, she learns that being like everyone else can be a good thing. Jonathan sat through this story easily and laughed at how silly Suzy was. Personally, I have mixed feelings about this book. Sometimes it's okay to be different-- and it's not always good to be like everyone else. I think the best lesson is that it's okay to be you. It's who God made you to be! Another issue is a blatant grammatical error runs through the book. Instead of saying "If I were a penguin", for example, it says "If I was a penguin". So, in summary, although Jonathan enjoyed this book, I would recommend passing it by.

Goose on the Loose (Usborne Phonics Reader) by Phil Roxbee Cox & Stephen Cartwright

This is a phonics book with a silly story about a goose on a scooter. The goose is on the loose-- all of the other animals better watch out! Can they find a way to stop her? This phonics reader has bright illustrations and fold out pages. Jonathan had fun reading this book-- flaps are still a hit with him! I think this is a series we may explore when Jonathan is learning to read.

Goose by Molly Bang

This is the story of a little goose who was adopted by woodchucks at birth. She is loved by her family, but she never feels as though she truly belongs. Her loving family and friends try to teach her everything they think she should know, but she still doesn't feel happy. But then one day, she realizes she can fly! Bang's illustrations tell the story beautifully and show the warmth of family love as well as the loneliness the goose feels until she discovers her true identity. It's a beautiful story that is well illustrated.


Art: We pulled out our red, yellow, white and blue paints and mixed colors just like in the story Blue Goose. Jonathan had a lot of fun making green, purple, orange as well as light blue, pink, etc. He was so proud of his artwork and showed it to daddy several times, telling him "blue and red make purple!" It's still hanging in our family room-- I'll try to take a picture of it when I locate the camera. :)

Field Trip: We went to a local nature preserve with some friends. There is a pond there and we just happened to see some geese! Jonathan was enthralled and told daddy all about it that afternoon.

Web Resources

g is for goose @ Totally Tots
g is for goose @ First School

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Reading Our Library- Kate Banks Part Two

Here are a few more books we checked out by Kate Banks. Look HERE to see our other reviews.

Close Your Eyes by Kate Banks

This is a sweet bedtime book with award-winning illustrations by Georg Hallensleben. The story is about a little tiger who does not want to go to sleep. His mother tries to assure him that when he goes to sleep he can enter a whole new dreamworld. The story reminds me a bit of The Runaway Bunny-- the child raises an objection, and the mother answers it in a reassuring fashion. It was a book the children and I enjoyed before naptime. It's a very soothing story with dreamy impressionist-style illustrations.

And If the Moon Could Talk

This is another bedtime story by the collaboration of Banks and Hallensleben. It's a story about all the different nighttime scenes the moon sees from its vantage point in the night sky. Hallensleben's tranquil illustrations alternate between different nighttime scenes and scenes of a little girl getting ready for bed. It shows lizards scurrying home to supper, nomads in the desert, waves on the beach, etc.. It's another calming bedtime story that I think Jonathan and Grace will enjoy more as they get older.


We checked this book out as part of our letter f adventures, but I never made a unit out of this book. (Maybe we'll revisit when we come to x.) Anyways, this story focuses on the life of a baby fox from its birth in the Spring. As the Spring wanes into Summer, the fox is eager to experience life on his own. His parents, however, assure him he is not ready yet-- but he will be soon. As the days pass, the fall comes and the little fox is finally ready for his independence. It's another sweet, simple story with gorgeous illustrations by Hallensleben. Jonathan sat through this one, but it wasn't a frequent request. Still well worth checking out!

I'm linking this post up to Read-Aloud Thursday at Hope is the Word.Go check out the links for more wonderful children's read-alouds!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Kids in the Word: Cain & Abel

We talked about Cain & Abel a couple weeks ago. I wasn't sure how to handle the subject of murder with a 2 year old, so I just said that Cain hurt his little brother because he was angry. Here's what the lesson's objectives were:

Concept: God made it possible for everyone to be His friend. 
Goal: Children will learn that Abel chose to be friends with God and Cain did not. They will learn that they, like Abel, can be God's friends if they ask Jesus to forgive their sin.  (lesson from Xenos Christian Fellowship)

Here's what we did:


We read the story out of Jonathan's Bible, The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes. The story did mention murder, but I just reworded the text to be more age-appropriate. I didn't find any good children's books about this story-- but I'm not surprised. :)

Pretend Play 

I brought out some of our Melissa & Doug pretend vegetables as well as a pretend sheep. We talked about how Cain was a farmer and Abel was a shepherd and pretended to make offerings to God. 


We colored some Cain & Abel coloring pages, especially focusing on the concept of being "brother's keeper". 

Practical Life 

Though the point of the story of Cain and Abel is not to teach on proper sibling relationships, it's still a very applicable application for a toddler. We talked about how Jonathan should be treating Gracie and that God wants us to be kind. 

So that's what we did a couple weeks ago-- still haven't found my camera, so no pictures. Sorry! 

Monday, July 18, 2011

g is for goat

Image Source: AllPosters

We continued our focus on the letter "g" by looking at goats. Carisa over at 1+1+1=1 has some great printables to go along with this theme. Head on over there and check them out!


The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Paul Galdone

This is a classic retelling of the Norwegian folk tale by an award-winning illustrator. Galdone's illustrations do the story justice- lively realistic looking billy goats and, of course, an ugly troll. The troll is frightening, but not overly so. The story lends itself well to dramatization-- I really enjoyed hearing my husband read this out loud to Jonathan. Jonathan has enjoyed this story and requested it several times. It's a great imaginative fairy tale!

Let's Count Goats by Mem Fox

This is a fun story that Jonathan really enjoyed. Jonathan liked the catchy, rhyming text as well as the bold cartoon-like illustrations. The goats are portrayed in different settings and different activities- from city goats running to show-off goats playing on a playground to firemen goats climbing. The number of goats increases from one to ten as children are invited to count the silly goats. A very cute and creative counting book.

G is for goat by Patricia Polacco

We also read an goat-themed alphabet book. Polacco's charming illustrations feature little shepherd girls and their lively, delightful goats. The book covers everything goat-related from apples to three little kids named Zig, Zag and Zoe. It's a fun and different approach to the alphabet. Jonathan and I enjoyed a nice quiet moment snuggling with this book. 


Pretend Play: We pulled out our Little People farm (which included a goat) and played a bit with that.

Art : We used a lot of Carisa's printables. We colored goats using crayons, markers, and colored pencils.

Field Trip: We did not get to do this because it was too hot that day, but I had planned to take Jonathan over to a local petting zoo and pet some goats and see some geese. I think we still may try to fit this in sometime soon!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Reading Our Library- Kate Banks Part One

In honor of Bastille Day, I thought I'd share some books with a French theme. I was hoping to get this up earlier, but we had a bit of an internet outage. Anyways, Kate Banks is an award-winning American author who lives in the South of France. She has collaborated with French illustrator Georg Hallensleben on a number of children's books. Not all of the books we checked out appealed to Jonathan (at age 2 1/2), but they are nonetheless beautiful books that older children would enjoy.


This book is what started our adventure reading Kate Banks' books as it appeared on a list of recommended books for toddlers. It is a sweet, somewhat philosophic book about a baby baboon's first experiences in the world. Throughout the baby baboon's day, he comes across different sensory experiences: green forest, slow turtles, hot fires and tries to understand the world around him. As he settles down to sleep, he realizes that the world is big. Hallensleben's impressionist-style illustrations are beautiful and dreamlike and show the warm, caring relationship the little baboon has with its mother. It's a beautiful book that toddlers and preschoolers can relate to as they also are experiencing and trying to make sense of the world around them. Jonathan liked this book and it (usually) grasped his attention.

The Cat Who Walked Across France

This is a book that I think will grow on Jonathan as he gets older. It's a story about a cat whose owner dies. The cat moves from his stone house by the edge of the (Mediterranean) sea to northern France where he is forgotten about. So the cat begins his journey home, traveling through cities, countryside and mountains as he heads back to his home by the sea. Famous French landmarks grace Hallensleben's beautiful pictures as the cat makes his journey. There's a map of France on the back of the book which traces the cat's travels. Jonathan enjoyed the book when I had him involved in trying to find the cat on each page, as well as naming items that the cat sees on the journey (boats, cars, bicycles, etc.). It's a beautiful book, and I think it's one that we'll come back to in a few years.

I'm linking this up to Read Aloud Thursday at Hope is the Word. Check out this link-up for more wonderful children's book ideas!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kids In the Word: Adam & Eve

We spent a week down in central Illinois visiting grandparents and great-grandparents a couple weeks ago. While we were there, we mostly just enjoyed our summer and visiting with relatives. During that week, we continued our Bible lessons and talked a lot about the story of Adam and Eve.


We continued to read from Jonathan's Bible,  The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes

We also spent another week reading Adam and Eve in the Garden, an early reader book from the Beginner's Bible. He understands a lot of the basics of the story-- that Adam & Eve broke the "one rule" and he understands that when we break one of God's rules, it's called a "sin". We talked about how everybody sins- mommy and daddy sin when they disobey God and how Jonathan sins when he disobeys as well. We talked about how we need Jesus and how God sent Jesus to save us from our sins. This I Can Read book talks about God sending Jesus, which is wonderful ending to the story. We own several of these books and Jonathan loves them and requests one every night. 

First Virtues for Toddlers by Mary Manz Simon

This is a collection of twelve different stories for toddlers featuring different virtues. The stories were originally published as separate board books. We read the story Bear Obeys and talked more about the importance of obedience and obeying God.


We played "Red Light, Green Light" which was a big hit. Jonathan has been such a back-seat driver lately and will tell us "red light means stop" and "green light means go". So this game was right up his alley. We talked about how we have to obey the law. It's also a great safety lesson. (Idea from ABCJesusLoves Me)


We didn't do much art this week. I did print off an "A is for Adam" coloring page from somewhere (I can't find the link just now-- sorry!)

More Ideas 

Both Hubbard's Cupboard and ABCJesusLovesMe have great ideas to go along with this lesson. There simply isn't time to incorporate them all-- check them out and see what works for you! 

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tot School: Summer Edition (30 Months)

Tot School
Jonathan is 30 Months

It's hard to believe that Jonathan is 2 1/2 now! I haven't been posting much since we've just been enjoying our summer and taking things at a slower pace this month. I'm not going to post pictures this time because (a) I haven't found my camera after a week at nana's and (b) I've had a few random people download pictures of my kids and I'm not sure I want to be posting their pictures. Does anyone else have this problem?

Anyways, here's what we've been up to this week:


We talked about Cain & Abel this week. I wasn't sure how to handle the subject of murder with a 2 year old, so I just said that Cain hurt his little brother because he was angry. Here's what the lesson's objectives were:

Concept: God made it possible for everyone to be His friend. 
Goal: Children will learn that Abel chose to be friends with God and Cain did not. They will learn that they, like Abel, can be God's friends if they ask Jesus to forgive their sin.  (lesson from Xenos Christian Fellowship)

I'll cover what we did in depth in a future post. Jonathan seemed to like the activities well enough, but he didn't engage with the lesson as much as Adam and Eve. We did tie it in with how he should treat his little sister though.

Books & ABCs

We read books about goats and geese, to tie in with our focus on the letter g. Look for upcoming posts about these. Some favorites were Blue Goose by Nancy Tafuri and Let's Count Goats! by Mem Fox

We got a lot of old favorites from PaperBack swap recently, so we re-read a lot of those. Jonathan's favorite book right now is The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper. He requests that one over and over again!

Gross Motor Skills 

Jonathan has loved golfing in our yard- it's his favorite thing to do outside! He got a chance to practice his skills when our church had Family Night at its annual Sports Life Camp. He played mini golf, soccer, and jumped in a bounce house with a couple of his friends.

We also did some swimming in our friends' toddler pool. Jonathan loved sliding down the little slide. Even Grace had some fun splashing!

We also took a nice long walk to our local farmer's market. Jonathan did great! He was so excited to buy blueberries.

(on Grace's end, she's crawling all over the house now and trying to pull up-- she's getting to be such a big girl!)


We did some coloring (goats, geese) and we painted this week and played around with mixing paint colors. We also did some pre-writing exercises- which Jonathan did great at! He traced some lines and some circles using printables by Carisa over at 1+1+1=1.


We played Cootie this week which Jonathan liked. He has fun building the cootie bugs. We only played this while Grace was napping, since it had small parts.

So that's what we've been up to this week! Thanks for stopping by!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Kids in the Word: Creation

A couple weeks ago Jonathan and I began journeying through the Bible. The first story that we focused on was the story of Creation (Genesis 1 and 2). Here are some of the things we did:


We read from Jonathan's Bible,  The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes. This is a wonderful Bible for toddlers.

We also read Adam and Eve in the Garden, an early reader book from the Beginner's Bible. Jonathan loves this series of books and requests one each night before he goes to bed. He picked up on the plot easily and was able to recall details of the story.


We did art projects to show what God made on each day of creation:

Day One: We glued black paper upon white paper to talk about darkness and light. We then used picture cards featuring different day/evening activities and glued the "daytime" activities to the white half of the paper and the "evening" activities to the black paper. I downloaded the cards from Hubbard's Cupboard.

Day Two: We glued white cotton pads to blue construction paper to make clouds. Then we glued blue waves onto the bottom of the paper and sprinkled salt (dyed blue) on the bottom of the paper.

Day Three: We painted green grass, brown trees, and orange flowers onto blue construction paper. Then we placed leaf stickers onto the tree.

Day Four: We glued a sun and moon onto black construction paper and then covered the sky with star stickers.

Day Five: We put fish stickers onto blue construction paper. (I didn't have any bird stickers)

Day Six: We put animal stickers onto green construction paper. Then we rested!

Here are a picture of five of our creations-- I didn't get a picture of day six:

Jonathan really enjoyed this week and knows that God made everything! In fact, when we asked him about a wooden bunny his great-grandfather carved, he said that God made the bunny. It was cute- it gave us all a laugh. :)

For more Creation lesson resources check out:

Hubbard's Cupboard
ABC Jesus Loves Me

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Reading Our Library- Janet & Allan Ahlberg

I'm going backwards a bit with this one-- but Janet & Allan Ahlberg are British authors/illustrators whose books one just shouldn't miss! Janet's illustrations have been awarded the Kate Greenaway medal.

The Ahlbergs partnered to create a number of popular children's books together until Janet's death in 1994. Allan Ahlberg has gone on to write several more books. Their books routinely appear on recommended book lists. Some of the most popular for preschoolers are Each Peach, Pear, Plum and The Jolly Postman. We've enjoyed each of those books. In this post, however, I want to focus on some of the books they wrote for babies and toddlers. These books were new to me, so I thought I would share:

Peek a Boo!  (titled Peepo! in the UK)

This is a delightful board book with die-cut holes. It shows scenes from a baby's point of view as a family goes about its day. The little refrain "Here's a little baby 1-2-3...what does he see?" is catchy and fun.. The old-fashioned illustrations are beautifully detailed with lots of things to point out to your little one in each scene. Both Grace and Jonathan have enjoyed this sweet book. Don't overlook this one!

Another series of board books written by the Ahlbergs is The Baby's Catalogue. This board book series is written to introduce familiar objects to babies, in a similar fashion to a first word book. The first two books feature two words of text to introduce different items to babies. The last two books are more of a guessing game with the baby finding a named object in the picture. It took Jonathan a few tries to enjoy this series, he's enjoyed more of the guessing game books (Blue Buggy, See the Rabbit). Grace has enjoyed sitting on my lap and looking at these books particularly the former two (Doll and Teddy, Baby Sleeps). The series contains four books, each are well worth checking out from your local library. Snuggle up with your little one and enjoy pointing out different objects on each page!

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