Monday, January 31, 2011

Bitty Baby School (5 Months)

Tot School
Gracie is 5 Months Old

Grace is a little young to be considered a toddler and definitely too young to do "school" with. However, I still like to loosely plan some activities for her and give her some one-on-one time with Momma!

Motor Skills 

Gracie has learned to roll over from front to back but not back to front. She's so close though! She loves to lay on her back on a blanket and baby gym and watch what's going on around her. Sometimes I'll shake a rattle or move around to encourage her to crane her neck and try to roll.

We also put her in the jumperoo for the first time this week and she loves it! She's able to look around and even enjoys bouncing.

Gracie in the jumperoo!

She's gotten very good at reaching and grabbing onto toys. She's really enjoying her bouncy seat. We've also tried the bumbo again now that she's sitting well when supported. I've put some of her rattles on the tray and she's had fun playing with them- or watching her big brother play with them!

Stories and Nursery Rhymes 

We've been reading some of Jonathan's old favorite books to Gracie. She loves sitting in our lap and looking at the pictures. She still enjoys the Hello, Animals book that we reviewed earlier. We've also been reading Sandra Boynton books (such as Moo Baa, La La La) and Brown Bear Brown Bear. Both of those were favorites of Jonathan when he was little. 


Gracie loves being talked to and sung to. We've been enjoying a CD by Kimbo Educational called Baby Face. It's full of upbeat music and the liner has instructions on games you can play with your little one. Lately Gracie has been enjoying the bouncing game and she always lights up when I put the music on. 

We're not doing anything too fancy, but I'm just seeking to be intentional about spending time with her. 

A rare picture of her laughing!
(She always frowns before the flash!)

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