
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tot School- the week of no letters

Tot School

Well, as I shared, it's been a bit of a rough week. We didn't get much "Tot School" accomplished this week-- more life school as we dealt with some special discipline issues that have popped up. Friday was a much better day, for which I'm thankful!

We're still trying to deal with some self control issues and naptimes are continuing to be a challenge. Jonathan seems to be tired, but is keeping himself awake at nap time- walking around his bed, singing, kicking, talking. When he does take a nap, it's been very short (about an hour). Is this normal for 32 months? If the naps are going away, I want to transition him to having some quiet/rest time. However, he's been more prone to tantrums so I don't think he should give up napping yet. Any advice for one weary momma?


The one thing we did this week was our Bible lesson, which was the most important! We talked about the Ten Commandments and made a Ten Commandments train. I hope to sum up what we did on Wednesday.


Grace is still crawling around and cruising the furniture. She's gotten very interested in climbing over and under chairs and table legs. She's actually pointing to things and trying to communicate via gestures to tell us what she wants. She's also cutting her 8th tooth- so she's been a little cranky, but not too bad.

But anyways, it's been a long week. Next week may be a little crazy-- we're currently in central Illinois because Jonathan's great-grandfather is on hospice. We may be headed back down next week if he gets worse. So my "tot school" plans may be put on hold again, we'll see what the week holds. So that's our life right now... Keep us in your thoughts & prayers, if you will.  Have a great week!


  1. Thanks for your blog link! I love it! can't stop reading :)

  2. We are having such similar nap issues! Emma is 32 months too and keeps herself up 2-3 days a week instead of napping. She is so cranky and so she seems to really need it, but sometimes it doesn't seem worth the fight. I've pushed back the time she goes down, and some days that seems to help. Transitions always seem so hard! I am hoping to try playing catechism and audio books when we fully transition to "quiet time" but that still seems a ways off.
