
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Pinterest Tuesday: Bloggy Love

It's Pinterest Tuesday over at Our Country Road-- so I thought I would share some blogs I've been enjoying lately!

There are many wonderful homeschooling blogs out there, and it's hard to narrow down which ones to share. These particular ladies have been a source of personal enocouragement to me either through answering questions, leaving encouraging comments, or praying. I consider them my first "bloggy friends". So here are some lovely blogs to check out!

This  first one doesn't have a bloggy button but Jess at The Preschool Experiment went through the alphabet with her little ones last year as well as Bible stories. Jess is full of great ideas and I enjoy seeing what she comes up with each week. (I love seeing moms whose kids are a little older than my own to see what they are doing!)

Shonda at Milk N' Honey Learn and Grow writes about a wide variety of things: early learning ideas, kid-friendly recipes, book reviews, prayer. I got to know her through the recent Warrior Prayers challenge and have just been super encouraged by her and her blog.

Jackie over at Ready. Set. Read is a former reading specialist turned SAHM. She writes a lot about early literacy ideas and shares some book reviews. Her little ones are around the same age as mine so I love seeing what they are up to! I've gotten a lot of great ideas from her!

And finally, The Princess and the Tot was so helpful in answering my questions about sensory bins. She has some wonderful Montessori-inspired tot trays that she features each week. They are currently going through the alphabet and I can't wait to see when they are finished!


  1. I love that you stopped by and commented today! I don't think I've ever seen your blog and I had been linking up to Tot School for a while. Well, glad you found me! I am your new subscriber.

    These links are awesome. I will be checking them out along with spending some time here on yours! Thanks for the reminder about Pinterest Tuesday. I almost forgot to link up!

  2. And I totally forgot to give a shout out since you're a fellow Chicago-suburbian! although I'm now a WI transplant I still have my "Chicago" roots.
